Friday, November 20, 2009

Last trip for the 28 days! (hopefully)

Day 26: $11.16 -crazy isn't it? I seriously need to learn to make a good loaf of bread. What makes it more tricky is that Lula is sensitive to gluten but can manage the fermented bread just fine. So not just a regular loaf but fermented at that makes the challenge that much more well challenging.

The ham is for pizza tonight. Yum!

There is one loaf of Aldi's bread not pictured because we fed that to the ducks at the zoo this morning. Nessie is there, if you get a chance to stop by it is quite impressive.

Okay so a grand total of $453.32 for the 28 days. We did finish paying for our part of a cow this month but didn't eat any yet so I didn't figure that in. I figure the money we "saved" this month covers that expense. So $3.32 over, not to bad!


Sharon said...

Good job! That is awesome! Did you Meijer overage end up helping out or what?!?

Sharon said...

I'm impressed! Great job saving by spending!