Monday, September 22, 2008

CVS Madness!

Three CVS stores 7 transactions---
#1 4- $2 off kashi
1- $2 off 10 cvs coupon
$1.19 total

#2 1- $2 off kashi
1- $2 off south beach
5-$1 off buddies
1 $2 off 10 cvs
$1.??? sorry can't find that receipt

#3 1- $1 off crest
1- $1 off mouthwash
1- $1 off deodorant
1- $2 off dr scholls
a bunch of ebc's
$12.50 not great but hubby REALLY wanted the Dr Scholls

#4 1 ECb for $4 got back $6 ecb, 0 out of pocket
#5 Another Zero out of pocket and zero ecb's used--nice!

#6 1 $1 off huggies
1 $2 off 10
a bunch of ecbs
.07 out of pocket

#7 1 $1.50 off litttle swimmers
1 $2 0ff 10
rest of ecb's
.09 out off pocket

I started the evening with $13.98 ecb and ended -with $10 ecb's and spend just over $15 not terrible seeing how just the pack of diapers would cost me that.


Sharon said...

Yeah for CVS!!! Thanks for the South Beach coupons tonight. :)

Tracy said...

Great haul. What is the deal with the Kashi cereal? Guess I missed that deal but I'll be going again tomorrow.

Esther said...

Hey Tracy, I still had some $2 off any kashi product. They are on sale for 2.50 - 8 in kashi coupons and 2 off ten equals zero.